I’m Rachele
My purpose is to help and inspire all women to elevate their personal image and confidence through (re)styling and a new body positivity mindset so that they feel empowered to step boldly into their next chapter in life.
If you are…
… tired of not loving your style, of not knowing what your true style actually is anymore, not knowing what to wear and how to enhance your body with the right outfits you have just landed in the right place!
Empowerment Styling allows you to tap into your powerful energy through what you are wearing so that you feel confident and empowered every single day of your life and can fall deeply love your body & appearance.
I am originally from Rome, Italy and I have lived in London since 2012, working in communication and sustainability since.
After a serious car accident and two pregnancies I saw my body changing a lot and I had to learn to live with new scars and new curves.
During my long recovery journey working with a personal stylist has helped me to find a new style and to learn how to love my body again. Slowly but inevitably I regained confidence in my physical appearance, learning to highlight the parts of it I appreciated the most.
This is how I decided to become an empowerment stylist myself: to help other women like me to embrace their natural beauty and gain a new sense of confidence and empowerment through the clothes that they are wearing and step into the next level of their success, both personally and professionally.